The number of permits canceled on the 27th of this month thus rose to 5215. The number was ....
The Kuwaitt criminal court issued a verdict the following year, sentencing the female em ....
based on the decision of the special executive body, except for supervisory jobs that req ....
Bangladeshi MP Al-Jarrah and Al Mutairi where fined one million and 970000 dinar each.the ....
Covid 19 epidemic had weakened corruption globally
The number of transactions per day has risen to 700
extended the deadline for revising the residence permit on humanitarian grounds
70% of citizens and 30% of residents is a demographically suitable population
some 30,000 local entrepreneurs have been facing difficulties due to the pandemic and aro ....
Philippine Foreign Minister Theodoro Laxsan has turned down an offer of 50,000 dinars as c ....