The most notable aspect of the decisions is that the price of advertising in Ministry of I ....
The recommendation aims to increase tariffs by 50-100 percent, while the tariff for citize ....
High temperature is the main reason. This caused the workers to quickly become angry and b ....
Approval of licenses will also be done online after submitting the application through the ....
Along with Khalid Al-Otaibi, Muhammad Hadi Al-Hewaila, Soud Al-Asfour, Hani Shams, Abdulla ....
With 1,217,014 people, Arabs came in third; North Americans came in fourth; Europeans came ....
According to the project's official Instagram account, applications are not limited to own ....
Kuwaiti security forces are among the 13 other countries among the 60 that applied to host ....
The source revealed that the first phase will target about 20 professions
This is based on the expeditious resolution of potential conflicts between female employee ....