• 10/04/2021

The Suez Canal Authority had said that Egypt will seek compensation worth around $1 billion for the blockade caused by the cargo vessel.Egypt has said it will not release Evergreen, the container ship that blocked the Suez Canal for nearly a week, until its owners pay compensation for damages due to build-up of vessels around the waterway."We hope for a speedy agreement," Osama Rabie, chairperson of the Suez Canal Authority. "The minute they agree to compensation, the vessel will be allowed to move."

On March 31, the Suez Canal authority had said that Egypt will seek compensation worth around $1 billion (nearly 7.47 thousand crore) for the blockade caused by the cargo vessel, which had an all-Indian crew .A spokesperson of Shoei Kisen Kaisha Limited, the Japanese owner of the vessel, said they have not received any claims or lawsuits to seek compensation for damages from the blockage.The Japanese company has also moved the London High Court to limit liability. The claim names the ship's charterer Evergreen Marine Corp as the defendant along with all others who claim damages for the blockage, including the Suez Canal.

Company spokesperson Ryu Murakoshi said that it was "part of the normal process of an insurance claim", making it clear that the move was not an attempt to target anyone.Seafarers association and unions have expressed concern about the sailors onboard, who they fear will be trapped for a long time in case of a dispute. 

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