• 19/11/2021

Kuwait City: The list of the world's most corrupt countries has been released. Kuwait ranks 83rd in the Global Corruption Perceptions Index. Last time it was 95th. Neighboring UAE ranks 54th on the list. Oman ranked third in the Gulf, 114th globally, Saudi Arabia 121st globally, and Qatar and Bahrain 123nd and 138th, respectively. 194 countries are included in the list. 

Kuwait scored 51 points on the implementation of the agreement between the companies and the government, while only 38 points on transparency. According to a report released by the Trace Foundation, bribery has been on the rise in Venezuela, Turkey, Poland and Hungary for the past 10 years, and the climate has worsened. Trace also noted that business bribery is rampant in the United States. Meanwhile, Kuwaiti officials said the gains were a result of steps taken by the government to improve its rankings

According to the Trace Foundation, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and New Zealand are the least corrupt countries. Points range from zero to 100 for each country. Zero is the most corrupt and 100 is the most corrupt. North Korea, Turkmenistan, Venezuela and Eritrea are the countries with the highest levels of bribery.

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