• 30/01/2022

Kuwait City: Nurses, a vital arm of the medical sector whose role has increased as a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which doubled the burdens and responsibilities on medical and nursing staff – the white army that battled the pandemic by putting their lives on the line – suffer primarily from the reluctance of Kuwaiti youth to join this profession, because the Ministry of Health follows what they call a repulsive policy, which has resulted in the resignation. According to the Nursing Association, a number of nurses have resigned and chosen to work in the private medical sector, while others have moved to work in other countries since the responsible authorities have failed to acknowledge their commitment to their jobs. 

The Ministry of Health has inked contracts with companies to supply nursing staff, in addition to following the policy of repulsion of nursing employees. To add salt to injury, these corporations do not pay the nurses their end-of-contract indemnities, and the Ministry of Health is a bystander when the nurses seek assistance. According to a source from the Civil Service Commission, the Ministry of Health is taking illogical steps to fill the shortage of nurses by contracting with private companies to provide nursing staff to work in government hospitals and health centres, which doubles the cost to the state budget and opens the door to other problems, the most notable of which is that health services are harmed when nurse contracts expire.

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