• 17/07/2022

Kuwait City:  21.6 percent of the country's citizens and residents are single, according to a report by the Labor Market Information System. This means that out of 1.9 million workers in the public and private sectors, 399,000 are single. The report contains figures for the first quarter of this year. 37,454 single Kuwaiti women work in the government sector. However, the number of single Kuwaiti women in the private sector is low. It is only 19.9 percent.

The number of non-Kuwaiti males working in the private sector is 248,720. The report also highlighted a decline in the total number of married workers in the labor market, with a drop of nearly 5,000 in three months. There has been an increase of about 8,000 in the percentage of unmarried workers. There has been an increase in the number of divorce cases registered among workers in various sectors over the past three months. 69 divorce cases were reported during this period.

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