The consumption rate of 'Ultra' gasoline is only 150,000 liters per day.
The incident has been brought to the notice of the authorities and after verifying the fac ....
With the implementation of the Fatwa and Legislation Department's opinion, the decision wi ....
Steps have been taken to open the office on the instructions of Interior Minister Sheikh T ....
Qatar is ranked 60th in the world and second in the Arab world.
The construction of the house is the result of the company's efforts to provide modern hou ....
Foreigners with a salary of 600 dinars, a degree and two years of residency in Kuwait can ....
The workers also claimed to have paid some money to renew their visas. Representatives of ....
The airport began to bear active witness to travelers, and a number of destinations were o ....
The study was conducted by the Ministry of Health's National Breast Cancer Screening Progr ....