Expanded Dermatology and Physiotherapy Departments inaugurated at Medx Medical Care.

  • 13/09/2024

KUWAIT CITY: Medx Medical Care has inaugurated modernized physiotherapy and dermatology departments at Fahaheel. In the presence of Hon'ble Medex President & CEO Muhammad Ali VP, Syed Muhammad Jifri Muthukoya Thangal , 7th Floor Dermatology Department and Syed Hamidali Shihab Thangal Panakkad, 8th Floor Physiotherapy Department inaugurated. Samasta Treasurer Koyot Umar Musliar's presence was noticeable in the event. Speaking after the ceremony, Medx President & CEO Mohammad Ali VP said that in both the renovated departments, the latest treatment equipments, spacious waiting areas and expert doctors and medical staff ensure better services to the patients. Medx management representatives informed that the working hours and services of both the departments can be inquired by calling the hotline number 189 33 33.

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