Apple surpassed the 50% mark for the first time in the June quarter, with Android devices ....
The FAO index, which tracks the most traded food commodities worldwide, averaged 138 point ....
Russia declared that it would stop selling oil to nations with price controls
The fiercest street battles Baghdad has seen in years took place this week as armed suppor ....
Indonesian authorities deny any act of violence and discrimination
The manoeuvres are also meant to show that Moscow has enough military might to conduct mas ....
Zimbabwe has been aware of other fossils in the area for decades and Mr Munyikwa said ther ....
According to Catalonia's meteorological service, one of the hailstones had a diameter of 1 ....
Russia already significantly cut back on pipeline-based gas exports
“Mikhail Gorbachev passed away tonight after a serious and protracted disease,” Russia’s C ....