• 29/04/2022

Kuwait City: The US Trade Representative's Office announced that it has decided not to include the State of Kuwait in its 2022 'Special 301 Report Watch List' due to its continued and outstanding progress in addressing some of the concerns raised by some trading partners regarding intellectual property, law enforcement, and transparency. Kuwait was removed from the watch list this year as a result of increased efforts to enforce the law prohibiting the sale of counterfeit products and goods, as well as the establishment of electronic platforms in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Copyright Department to organise and collect reports on intellectual property rights violations and trademark infringement. 

Kuwait has also increased its transparency and involvement in this regard through several meetings of the Intellectual Property Rights Working Group, which operates under the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) to develop trade and investment relations between the State of Kuwait and the United States. "This is a great starting point for expanding commercial opportunities for American companies in the State of Kuwait," said James Holzneider, Chargé d'Affaires at the US Embassy. Innovators such as engineers, artists, and designers are motivated by intellectual property rights to develop and design new products and technologies for the market."

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