• 04/07/2022

Kuwait City: Administrative decisions have been made by the Ministry of Information to terminate the licenses of 50 electronic publications. The administrative decisions stated that the decisions were issued in implementation of the law regulating electronic media, and that the reasons for cancellation varied in application of Articles 14 and 16 of the Electronic Media Law, which included that licenses are cancelled for the following reasons:

. Every license lease is null and void, and it may not be transferred or ceded without prior clearance from the Ministry. For the issue of the license or to another person if the     legally mandated prerequisites are met, the buyer or assignee must meet the conditions prescribed in this law.

. If the licensee is a legal person whose legal personality is terminated for any of the legally prescribed causes.

. If the licensee fails to meet any of the conditions listed in Article (8) of this law.
. If the position of the responsible management becomes vacant, or if the appointed manager fails to meet one of the requirements, and the licensee fails to appoint a   replacement who meets the requirements within the time frame stated in Article (10) of this legislation.

. If the license is leased by the licensee.

. If the licensee sells or assigns the license without the Ministry's permission.

. If the licensee fails to perform the licensed activity within the time frame specified in Article (13) of this law. 

. If the license period ends without a request to extend it within six months of its expiration date.

. If the licensee dies without a legal heir, or if the heirs do not transmit the license within the time frame indicated in Article (14). In all other instances, the license may not be revoked except by an enforceable court order or a written request by the licensee.

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