It is regrettable that the airline was not warned that Iraq had invaded Kuwait when the p ....
The Customs Communication and Information Authority was approached for information about t ....
Manpower Authority officials said the decision would be overturned after two months.
The Economist Impact pointed out that over the past 10 years, Kuwait’s performance in the ....
Murad said he was happy to be the first Kuwaiti photographer to win the competition, and ....
The government is working to change the residency and work permit systems to eliminate the ....
The project, which will take place in a few weeks, will set up an integrated courtroom ins ....
The latest information on the subject is available on the Embassy website and social media ....
According to the Central Administration of Statistics, the number of citizens working in t ....
The weather will remain the same till the end of this week as the wind shifts to the north ....