• 21/03/2022

Kuwait City: Dr. Ali Al-Mudhaf, Minister of Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research, has issued a decision on the restrictions for transferring school principals and assistant principals. The decision stated that the maximum time for principals and assistant principals to stay in the same school is ten years from the date they begin their duties, after which they must be transferred to another school, without prejudice to the administrative authority's right and discretion to transfer or delegate any of its employees in accordance with the requirements of the job and the public interest. 

In addition, school principals and assistant principals who have served at the same school for the maximum number of years will be transferred on September 1 of each academic year. Every principal and assistant principal who has completed the maximum number of years of service in the same school during an academic year must stay in his or her post until the conclusion of that year, unless the work interest necessitates otherwise. 

The decision's aforementioned provisions shall be implemented after recommending it to the Assistant Undersecretary for Public Education, who shall approve the transfer procedure in accordance with what he believes acceptable in light of the requirements of the work interest. This judgement takes effect on the date it is issued, and all previous decisions that contradict it are null and void. The competent authorities must carry out and act in accordance with this judgement.

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