• 17/01/2022

Kuwait City: To keep up with the next stage, the Ministry of Health has began analysing all choices linked to Covid-19 pandemic illnesses in order to achieve harmonisation and balance between individual health on the one hand and social and economic situations on the other. According to health officials, "indicators in the country are still reassuring, despite the high infection rates, thanks to the country's high vaccination rates (about 82 percent have received two doses and 18 percent the booster dose), which was largely responsible for limiting hospitalizations, particularly admission to ICUs."

As the number of victims of the corona pandemic continues to rise, an increasing number of citizens and expats are showing up for their booster doses.

Meanwhile, health officials stated that "technical committees in the ministry are working to review and develop decisions to confront the pandemic, which is expected to reach its peak soon, particularly the current wave of omicron mutant infections before the infections begin to decline in about 3 to 4 weeks."

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