• 02/08/2022

Kuwait City: The Municipality has been requested by the Government Performance Follow-up Agency to ascertain what challenges and impediments resulted in the delay in the tender of a beautification project, construction, and maintenance work for public beaches in Kuwait.

 In a letter to the municipality specified in Article 2 of the Agency's establishment decree No. 346 of 2007, the Agency's deputy head, Mishaal Al-Baijan, stated that the Agency, in order to exercise its powers, may contact the municipality as specified in Article 3 of the same decree regarding the follow-up of the executive position of government projects within each ministry or government agency in coordination with these bodies and in light of the timetable approved for implementation. 

Following-up questions list

. The agreement for carrying out the project and the most recent monthly report for each of the following: contractor, consultant, entity, and project manager.
. Temporal change orders and certificates of material change, as long as the dates of their issue and the justifications for them are made clear from the start of the project until       the date of their date.
. The approved completion percentage curves, which display the anticipated monthly completion percentages for the duration of the contract as well as the actual results thus     far.
. A copy of the tables showing the anticipated labour amounts for the duration of the contract and the actual labour amounts to date. 

. A copy of each payment certificate that has been issued from the start of the contract until the current date.
.  A table listing the fines for contractor payments that have been withheld from their total value since the start of the contract to the present, organised by kind of fine.
. Table indicating the payment number and its value before discounting, together with the dates of approval and disbursement of financial payments for the contractor from       the  start of the project to its completion. The project's timeline, including the challenges and roadblocks that contributed to the delay.

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