The Minister said that in case of discovery of a new variant, there are precautions to be ....
The lowest fee received in the financial year 2020-21, when the Covid epidemic hit, was 2 ....
The driverless and 100% electric shuttle is one of the first-ever autonomous vehicles to b ....
The Executive Board's functions and responsibilities are primarily derived from the Genera ....
Mark von Ranst, a virologist who has confirmed the case, works in a laboratory in collabor ....
Various countries in the region and around the world have banned flights to seven countrie ....
Those who have not been vaccinated should follow the procedures in accordance with the cir ....
Exemptions are available for official representatives and emergency medical and educationa ....
Kuwait Aviation said that those who have been vaccinated and those who have not been vacci ....
Although limited information is available about the new variant, experts are working day a ....