• 06/10/2022

Kuwait City: From September 26 to September 29, 2022, the PNS-Haibat and PMSS Basol of the Pakistani Navy visited Kuwait under the direction of Commodore Saqib Ilyas, the mission commander. Brigadier Abdullah Hamad Abdullah, Head of Port Security, Commodore Saif Al Hamlan, Chief of Operations in the Kuwait Navy, and Embassy representatives welcomed the visitors. The visit was a component of the Regional Maritime Security Patrol by the Pakistan Navy. A Pakistani delegation met with Kuwaiti military dignitaries at two high-level meetings while the naval ships were in port. The delegation, led by Brigadier General Talal M. Mounes, Commander Kuwait Coast Guards, met with Brigadier General Muhammad Asim, Mission Commander and Defence Attaché, on September 27, 2022. 

The meeting between the Pakistani delegation and Commander Naval Forces Brigadier General Hazza Mutlaq Alalati on September 28, 2022, was another significant event of the trip. During the meetings, the two parties decided to increase their bilateral cooperation in naval fields, particularly in navy personnel training exchanges, regional maritime security, and joint security drills. The delegation applauded Kuwait's significant involvement in the upcoming Pakistan Navy-organized Aman Exercise 2023. The two ships participated in joint drills with Kuwait's navy. 

The Ambassador of Pakistan Malik Mohammad Farouq and Mission Commander of the visiting Ships contingent Commodore Saqib Ilyas co-hosted a small reception aboard the ships in honour of Kuwaiti military officials. Brigadier General Naval Staff Kuwait Navy Ahmad Mohammad Al-Bati was the chief guest.

The honourable military representatives of the Kuwaiti and Pakistani communities were welcomed aboard by the ambassador. He expressed appreciation to the Kuwaiti government for welcoming and assisting the delegation of Pakistan Navy ships. According to him, Pakistan and Kuwait have strong historical and fraternal ties, particularly in the areas of security and defence. He reaffirmed and valued Commodore Saqib Ilyas's assertion that PNS Haibat is a locally designed and built ship in Pakistan. He was also pleased to see that a Kuwaiti naval delegation had attended the first AMAN Exercise 2023 Planning Conference. He expressed the desire for meaningful participation from Kuwait in this exercise. In the meantime, Brigadier General Naval Staff Ahmad Mohammad Al- Bati expressed his gratitude to the hosts for the invitation and the welcome.

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