The Ministry of the Interior, on the other hand, removed the restriction put on a Kuwaiti ....
It is prohibited to collect donations in any form in unlicensed places – malls and public ....
According to sources, the minister was dissatisfied since the two centres were overcrowded ....
The number of nursing staff has been increased to 2,000 through direct contracts.
The draft law also stipulates that expatriate women, other than children born to foreign s ....
The inspections conducted from January 12 to 18 alone found 28,068 violations
The reason for the increase in vacancies is the drop out of foreigners and the elimination ....
Since the onset of the Corona crisis, the number of domestic employees has been declining, ....
According to the sources, price data is entered and updated by cooperative societies, and ....
PAM was commenting on the recent Court of Appeal ruling to cancel the administrative decis ....