• 21/09/2020

Kuwait: The SixthCircuit of the Commissioners’ Authority at the Administrative Court in Cairo,decided to adjourn until Nov 7 hearing on the case concerning a Kuwaiti femalestudent studying at the Cairo University who had failed in 7 academic subjects.TheCairo University had presented three different official results to the Kuwaitistudent for the same academic year.This actually makes this case complicated.

In thesession, the court asked the university to present an official and finalstatement of the number of compassionate marks the student obtained for hersuccess. It also demanded an official statement concerning “failed students”who entered the September semester in the same school year as regards thecompassionate marks they obtained. An Egyptian lawyer Mohammad Hamid Salemfiled lawsuit no. 28148/73 against the Egyptian Minister of Higher Educationand Scientific Research, Cairo University President, Dean of the Faculty of DarAl-Uloum at the Cairo University, Head of the Cultural Office in Cairo, and thestudent (Q.A.). It stated that the student is enrolled in the Faculty of DarAl-Uloum at the Cairo University, and entered the first year exams in thecollege for academic year (2017/2018). 

Her results for May 2018 semester wereannounced to indicate failure in 7 subjects, indicating she failed in 4subjects, and was absent in 3. However, her success was announced in the secondsemester.



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