More Kuwaitis and expats embrace social media

  • 30/12/2021

KUWAIT CITY : According to global statistics, the number of social media users in Kuwait reached 4.26 million this year, up from 4.25 million in 2020, representing a 0.8 percent increase and accounting for 98.8 percent of the country's population of approximately 4.3 million people, according to Al- Rai daily.

The statistics show that citizens and residents of the country are very interested in the Internet and social media.

The presence and importance of social media have grown as a result of the strict restrictions imposed by the relevant authorities to combat the COVID-19 outbreak over the last few months.

Everyone looked for different forms of entertainment, and social media emerged as a popular way to pass the time, especially during the partial and total lock downs that Kuwait experienced for a relatively long period of time.

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