• 06/06/2022

Kuwait City: According to informed sources, government agencies, particularly the big ones, are confronting a budgetary shortfall in delivering monies to employees who meet the specified qualifications to purchase the balance of their leave days. They added that the procedure's implementation requires a consolidative financial link to the balance sheet, as well as the entire value of the leaves due for purchase, which is now unavailable.

This may make the transfer of the value of the leave balance to those who deserve it more likely, at least in the short term. The government agencies recently informed the Ministry of Finance that they were financially and technically prepared to implement the decision to purchase the balance of their employees' leave days, and that their budget contained sufficient liquidity to cover the purchase of the balance of their employees' leave days under the established conditions. 

However, authorities from the Ministry of Finance were told not to proceed with the transaction until further notice. According to the sources, government agencies with a large number of employees do not have enough liquidity in their approved budgets for the current fiscal year to purchase leave balances from eligible employees, and thus require the Ministry of Finance to provide an additional appropriation with all or part of the necessary liquidity. 

"More than one government agency has already completed creating the list of eligible personnel and the values of their leave days," according to the sources. They are waiting for appropriate payment liquidity to be provided. To address this, the Ministry of Finance may be required to authorise a financial link, often known as a "top-up," for the current fiscal year's budget in order to fulfil the dues. This takes time due to the legislative requirement for the National Assembly to approve the increased appropriation."

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