• 30/09/2022

Kuwait City: Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi, Minister of Information and Culture and Minister of State for Youth Affairs, has issued a ministerial decision to halt appointments, transfers, and assignments in all ministry divisions that use a shift system for a full year, with the exception of those with uncommon specialties. 

The decision to work during this time period to identify all work centres that utilise the shift system in the ministry in accordance with the terms of reference stipulated in the organisational structure, while preparing a thorough study on the current situation in the organisational units that utilise this system to determine the actual numbers in each unit, and present the report to the undersecretary of the ministry, was made in coordination with other ministry sectors. 

In order to inform the Civil Service Commission of the necessary number of specialisations, the decision emphasised the necessity of estimating the needs of technical and administrative specialisations for each sector and reporting to the Administrative and Financial Affairs Sector at the beginning of each fiscal.

The decision required the creation of a five-year plan taking into account the rehabilitation and training of those appointed, transferred, and newly assigned to the sector in order to gain the necessary experience to meet the need in cases of retirement or resignation. It also called for consideration of the actual needs of the specialisations required in the sectors operating in the Nuba system.

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