• 25/06/2022

Dubai: The UAE will participate tomorrow in the International Anti-Drug Day, which falls on the twenty-sixth of June of each year, where a number of events are scheduled to be held throughout the country, to spread the legal culture and the social risks left by the scourge of drugs, as well as to emphasize the status of the family as our first line of defense. In the war on destructive toxins.

The state works according to a strategic vision to eradicate the scourge of drugs based on several axes, most notably the control, prevention and treatment axis, in addition to taking protection measures at the security and societal levels, in addition to updating the laws on drug control in a manner consistent with global changes.

The concerned authorities in the country work annually to implement a package of programs and events to inform the public about the dangers of drugs, the danger of bad companions and the negative effects of first-time use, and highlight the vital role of the family in contributing to the protection of children from drug dangers by promoting sound education, awareness and guidance, as well as educating the public that “addiction Treatable disease” through rehabilitation centers.

These programs also focus on the consolidation of family relations, and the responsibility of parents to inculcate the moral values ​​rooted in the culture of the UAE, in efforts to prevent children from delinquency and drug abuse, or misuse of medical drugs.

The UAE is a member of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. The agreements concluded in this regard include the application of legitimate international control measures, ensuring that they are not circulated among the general public, and the keenness of these agreements on the availability of these substances for medical and scientific purposes. Only, preventing its access through illegal and illegal channels, and eliminating the phenomenon of drug trafficking or it's misuse.

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