Market Value of Projects 'Increases'

  • 09/12/2021

According to MEED magazine, the value of the projects market in Kuwait was $205 billion as of November 11, up from $203 billion on October 14, according to Al-Rai daily.

According to the report, seven of the eight markets tracked by the Meed Projects index, which tracks projects in the Middle East and North Africa, gained between October 14 and November 11.

While the value of the Gulf projects index increased by 2.6 percent between October 14 and November 11, rising from $ 3.2 trillion to $ 3.3 trillion, the projects market in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries increased by 3.3 percent, rising from $ 2.5 trillion in October to $ 2.6 trillion in November.

Saudi Arabia's project market increased by 3.1 percent from $1.29 trillion on October 14 to $1.33 trillion on November 11.

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