A new PAM initiative has been launched to monitor fraud

  • 16/12/2021

KUWAIT CITY : According to Al-Qabas daily, citing sources, the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) has launched a new mechanism to monitor business owners involved in fraud, those who hire expatriates in exchange for money and then leave them to work for other sponsors, in line with governmental efforts to purge the labour market of random workers, visa traders, and fictitious companies. According to sources, the new mechanism will regulate the licences and files of companies involved in visa trading by conducting a file inventory by a specialised team at the Labor Inspection Department in the Employment Protection Sector.

According to sources, the new system will reveal the number of violations involving random workers, the number of expatriates whose visas were not renewed, and other relevant comments. Following verification of the violations, the offending company will be suspended, and legal action will be taken against the owner.

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